Fox Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S44 6TH

01246 823324

Scarcliffe Primary School

Strive to Shine

Recovery Premium


In the 2020-21 academic year, the government gave money to schools to help them to support children to 'Catch Up' on missed learning opportunities during the CV-19 pandemic.  The money we received equated to £80 per pupil (as per the 2019 Census).  This means we received £7600.

In the 2021-22 academic year, the government gave schools funding under the educational recovery plan.  This recovery premium was added to the pupil premium funding and is part of that plan.  Click here to see the Pupil Premium Plan and information.   As a school, we received an additional £2030.  Furthermore, we received a grant of £1620 for school led tutoring.  

The plan at the bottom of this page shows how the Recovery Premium and School-led Tutoring grant have been allocated. 


Three Tiered Approach

When considering how to best use the funding, we have considered the needs of every individual child in school and have determined what the main barriers to learning in each class - taking account of the latest research (especially in relation to the EEF).  We have then considered how we can best support children under a three tiered system:


Tier 1 - Teaching

 We feel that the very best way to help children to make rapid progress is through quality first teaching.  Our teaching staff are skilled and experienced in identifying gaps in our pupils' knowledge through systematic assessments (including pre learning tasks).  They then deliver lessons which address these gaps.  

Recently, we have implemented a new curriculum and we have worked together to produce plans which are progressive from one year to the next.  For more information about our curriculum, please click here.

We have high quality teaching assistants in school and they support the learning of all pupils.  This year we have increased the amount of TA support and have an allocated teaching assistant in every class. 

Teaching staff have conducted monitoring activities, including book scrutinties, to ensure that we have a consistency of approach and that learning is progressive.  

The government have acknowledged that there may need to be a narrowing of the curriculum to allow for children to catch up in core areas of learning - such as early language, reading and maths.  While we value a broad and balanced curriculum, teachers have made the core subjects a priority since September. 


Tier 2 - Intervention

The vast majority of additional spending has been linked to this tier.  As a school, we have made the decision to pay existing school staff to run interventions within school.  We felt this was ideal for our school because we have high quality staff who know the children well and are familiar with our ethos and expectations.  

Following pupil progress meetings with the head teacher, we have decided on some key interventions that each class needs.  These are all clear on the Catch Up Funding Plan  - see the bottom of this page.  

While some of these interventions are scheduled to run for the academic year, we appreciate that the plan will have to be flexible and fluid in order to best meet the needs of our pupils.  

Before each of the interventions has started, staff have captured a baseline so we can monitor the impact of the intervention.  These monitoring forms are available to view for those with the authority to see them.  

Some of the interventions we are running are:

  • Additional phonics sessions,
  • A ready for Year 2 group,
  • 1:1 reading time,
  • Y6 1:1 booster work, 
  • Same day intervention,
  • Catch up literacy - including training staff to run the sessions.  

Tier 3 - Wider Strategies

 We recognise the difficulties that many families have faced during the pandemic and we are aware that we have a role to play in addressing some of these issues within our community.  

We have made laptops available to those families who were struggling to access home learning.  We have doubled the allocation of time we have for our Pastoral Officer - doubling the number of families she can support. 

We have also increased the number of children who receive Positive Play sessions and ensure that every child has access to outdoor learning through our Forest Schools offer.