Fox Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S44 6TH

01246 823324

Scarcliffe Primary School

Strive to Shine

Dinner Orders

As we are such as small school, we feel very lucky to have our own school kitchen.  Louise works hard everyday to provide three options for children to enjoy at lunchtime.  These options are:

  • A hot dinner (Menus sent out on Class Dojo)
  • Pasta
  • A jacket potato 

Children will be given a hot dinner from the main menu unless a sandwich or jacket potato is pre-ordered.  

To order a jacket potato or sandwich the online form below must be completed in advance so we have time to order in the correct amount of food.  We ask that the online form is completed when the menu is sent out on Class Dojo.

Online booking form:

From September 2023, school dinners will be charged at £3.25 per day.  If you feel you may be eligible for free school meals, please contact the school office.