Fox Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S44 6TH

01246 823324

Scarcliffe Primary School

Strive to Shine

Governor Structures and Visits

Link all governing bodies of schools, ours have three core functions

  1. Setting the strategic direction
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for improving the school
  3. Ensuring financial health, probity and value for money.

We meet as a full governing board (aka Local Academy Board) four times per year.  We no longer have separate committees with delegated responsibilities.  Instead, we have link governors who are responsible for key aspects of the running of our school.  Our Local Academy Board is made up of seven members.  Please click here to meet the governors and find out more about their roles.  

As part of Redhill Multi-Academy Trust, different roles and responsibilities are held at various levels within the organisation.  A copy of the scheme of delegation for the Trust can be found here.  

As well as meeting as a full governing body four times per year, we have termly monitoring mornings and link governor visits.  These crucial governor activities are explained below. 

Click here to see the instrument of governance / membership details


Link Governor Roles

So governors can carry out their core functions in school, we have link governor visits.  These provide an opportunity for governors to look in detail at school policies and procedures.  The link governors come in to school a various points through the year to work with leaders on a particular focus area.  They produce a short report and present this at full governor meetings. 

The link governor roles and named governors for this year are:

Safeguarding - Michelle Reid

Finance and Premises - Chris Mellard-Sibley and Heidi Watkinson

SEND and Equality - Nicki Senior

Health and Safety - Georgia Sidwell 


Monitoring Mornings

In addition to link governor visits, we invite our governors in for three monitoring mornings per year.  These structured mornings provide governors with the opportunity to monitor one of the school improvement priorities.  An example of a recent monitoring morning focused on reading.  Governors spent time with the reading leader in school who spent time explaining our intent and implementation for our reading curriculum, as well as explaining the impact it had.  Governors then spent time in classes monitoring this before having some time to gather pupil views about reading.  This work helped them to carry out their core functions.  For more information about our monitoring mornings - including records of visits - please click here.